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The Support of Preachers by Anonymous
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Here for your examination is a keen essay which could truly and immediately change the whole church - not to mention the whole world.Money (misappropriated) and hierarchy (forbidden in Scripture) have done great injury to the cause of the Gospel and to our beloved Saviour as well.Yes, these are delicate subjects because we are talking about the livelihoods of well-meaning although misinformed people.Notice how the clever author cloaked his name to avoid blow-back in his own day. A. P. Brother stands for: A poor brother. Notice also the magazine title which published this article: Millennial Harbinger. Obviously, they expected good things in the future and were thus motivated by their optimis
Priesthood of All by WH Fremantle
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- · Christian Life
Let's go over to Oxford, one of the oldest schools around. Founded in 1096. Long before your family discovered America.Listen to what was being said 130 years ago. Although a high churchman, this great teacher/writer was certainly aimed in the right direction in order to restore the dignity and ministry of every believer in the Son of God.Every instinct within him cried out for further reformation and radical changes of how priesthood and ministry are viewed.He was a very deep thinker offering vast implications for the church and for life. We'll look forward to meeting him in glory.
Moneyless Missions by David Lim
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- · World Missions
There seem to be more theorists than practitioners in our movement. David is both. He's what we would call a missions strategist. He wakes up every day desiring that more people would somehow meet their Saviour. Then he attempts to execute a good plan.David earned a bachelors, 2 Masters and a Ph.D. degrees. He's used these academic credentials to write 4 books, edit 4 and contribute more than a hundred articles and papers in various journals and books since 1983.His latest writings are in community development, Christian theology, Asian cultures and inter-religious relations.He's presently the President of Asian School of Development and Crosscultural Studies (ASDECS), based in Manila, Phili
Chinese Church Taking the Lead in World Missions
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- · World Missions
What a plan! Self-supporting, professional, Christian workers showing up to... work. Rather than arriving with their bags and seminary certificates and expecting to become religious local professionals. This is not to suggest that a seminary degree isn't a useful thing. All learning is of value just as surely as all truth is from the Almighty,I'm reminded of how the Apostle Paul found fellowship with those of the same employment and craft. And our Lord, too, of whom it was asked: Is this not the carpenter?Accordingly, David Aikman envisions “thousands of Chinese technicians and workers”, wearing the disguise of the professional workers of the Chinese led global system of economic development
The Elders: Seniority... book review by John Elliott
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- · Elders and Deacons
Here is a review of a recent book entitled: THE ELDERS: SENIORITY WITHIN EARLIEST CHRISTIANITY. STUDIES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND ITS WORLD by R. Alastair Campbell.It a obviously a book about the identity of those called elders. As this word reads - so does it mean. These are merely the older Christians who are given the responsibility of oversight and shepherding in the church of God. When readers of the New Testament letters came across the word, it already had thousands of years of clear meaning.By viewing this review one will be reminded that the traditional consensus view of church leadership is being challenged and that it is ongoing. It's too bad that we lost about two thousand years a
Differences in Judgement about Baptism by John Bunyan
Eventually, the subject of baptism will come up. Can this puzzle finally be solved? Hundreds if not thousands of books have been written regarding the mode and subjects of what is considered by most as a sacrament.But... there are few books out there which regard external water baptism as now obsolete. In view of a better, inward spiritual baptism. This volume seems to lean toward the latter view. Read it for yourself and decide.We're brothers and sisters in Christ. We are seeking unity, not division, as we seek the truth. Therefore we will not allow our interpretations to affect our friendship and good-will towards every other child of God.That said, it never hurts to take a fresh look at a
The Problem of the Gifted Speaker by Stephen Perks
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- · Church Meetings
One of the problems facing the Church in the Western world today is the problem posed by the “ministry” of those who are considered “gifted speakers” and consequently idolised by the Church. Stated in its most simple form this is the problem posed by the prioritising of the personality, charisma, “profile,” popularity, stage presence and ability of the speaker as an orator and entertainer over the content of the message being delivered—in short, the triumph of style over content, the consequence of which has been the creation of an intellectually feeble-minded and theologically malnourished generation of churchgoers who are over stimulated by sentimental and mindless entertainment worship ma
The Synagogue - Not the Temple, James Gall
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- · Church History
One of the very best books on the subject of Church history. The author was not a man of inferior learning. He compiled and published a Concordance as well as books on Astronomy, among many other things. Also, a poet.Look through it here and if you can use it you can download this large, once rare volume for your own collection. It is now offered in a single file.The days are short, the nights are cold. Warm your soul at the hearth of James Gall.
The Christian's Highest Priority
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- · Christian Life
The relevance of this book is as real and as urgent as the day it was originally penned. Charity or unselfish love, is intended by the Almighty to be the framework of relationships, families, marriages, neighborhoods, churches, and even societies. Love is the fulfilling of the law, in fact.We must never again lose sight of this intention and the example of God's Son. These matters are repeated and illustrated many times yet still lost upon most of us.Churches must cease being a charity unto themselves. They should exist not for the benefit of their machinery but for God's mission to the World and to the needs of others. Christians likewise should immediately end all monetization of the Gospe
Modern Myth of Christian Eldership
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- · Elders and Deacons
If you pursue meeting in a non-traditional way, you may be criticized for lack of leadership. This is an excellent essay - a chapter from an old book - which addresses this basic issue.However, if the writer is correct, it means that many are completely unaware of their responsibilities.Yes, we are our brother's keeper.
Modern Myth of Ordination
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- · Elders and Deacons
This is an important topic. Not just for theology geeks. Here for your perusal is an old and a new resource. Both are by writers not of inferior learning. One writer, in fact, was the Professor of Oriental Languages at a major university.There is no office of elder. Christian elders - literally older ones - are rather appointed (ordained) to the work of non-professional, informal oversight and shepherding.1 Peter 5: The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for fil
The Claims of Pastors by David Lindsay
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- · Elders and Deacons
The latest church revenue statistics show that religious congregations in the U.S. take in around $74,500,000,000.00 per year.The majority of these billions is for salaries. As the saying goes: You can only spend it once.Is the Church in the West truly a servant church and a bona fide charitable organization? Or is it a charity itself? Does this money go to true ministry and evangelism? Or merely to keep the wheels of the church machinery turning?