The Elders. Seniority. Excerpt from Alastair Campbell

Like many scholarly works, Alastair Campbell's Elders - Seniority book began as a university thesis. He describes his goals here, a couple of years before the book was published. Naturally, by the time of publication, some of his views were slightly modified (corrected).

Modern scholarship is finally undergoing a much needed shift regarding the identity of the elders. And a more biblical position, I might add. Needless to say, "modern scholarship" and the "seminary / clergy system" are inextricably tied together. They are not going to bite the hand which feeds them.

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Comments (1)
    • This is very interesting. I have not thoroughly studied Clement, but I remember his concern for heading the wisdom of the elders in Corinth. Campbell is saying that he is fighting to keep out the "one man rule" over the congregations as well.

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