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- · Dan Beaty
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- · Elders and Deacons
In the modern church the most important role in most congregations is that of the person who does most of the preaching on Sundays, the traditional pastor. Beside the preaching and providing most of the direction for the community, this person is expected to perform baptisms, the dedication of babies, weddings, and funerals whenever the occasion calls for them.However in the New Testament book, the Acts of the Apostles, no such person is found. Of course, the apostles who were personally chosen and trained by Jesus were front and center in this history of the Early Church. After that, we see prophets and evangelists in action and important in establishing the churches.The congregation at Jer
Why is there no precise list of church officers in the New Testament which is elsewhere repeated in the New Testament?In Titus, there is a long list of requirements for elders. In Timothy, there are long lists of requirements together for elders and for deacons.In Philippians, there are overseers and servants mentioned together. Bishops and deacons, they're called. But the word for deacon is the same word for servant - a name referring to any service. So, Paul could be addressing the elder/overseers and everyone else besides them.Here are three comprehensive "leadership" lists. Though similar, they are not the same.So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of anoth
Here is a recent arrangement of the Lord's Prayer set to music. I hope you all enjoy it!
- · Dan Beaty
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- · House Church
Part of the problem, or part of the solution? Almost 30 years ago we attended a House Church Retreat in the US. Some of the people we shared a cabin with were swapping stories of the problems they experienced in the Institutional Church.My wife interrupted them by asking, "But what is God doing among you now?"That was a sincere question. We had already seen what was wrong in Christianity. We came there looking for how to get it right, or at least better.Fortunately, we did meet some wonderful people then who were making progress and enjoying what God was presently doing with them. Thirty years later I have seen a greater general acceptance of the principle of small fellowships that focus mo
- · Robert A. Foster
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- · House Church
I like maps, and sometimes comparing maps against each other gives amazing details. What do you see?
- · Jonathan
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- · Unity of Believers
May 2023So I was headed down for a Christian “conference” kind of a large gathering of believers, about a 4 hour drive on Friday. Well, right around at the middle point of the 220 mile drive, when I had been on the local street for several minutes, my car started heating up. The temperature was climbing higher and higher. So I knew I had to pull over. Now I personally knew no one in the area. I tried contacting some local car shops but it was close to 5pm on a Friday and so none was available to help with the problem. So I contacted a few brothers if they knew anyone that knew about cars in this area. After some waiting one brother came out to help. We knew there was a problem with the coola
- · Jonathan
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- · Unity of Believers
I had a very good time of fellowship with a couple brethren yesterday. I just met them for the first time about a week ago and yesterday was the first time where we actually sat down, had some food together and had a few hours of fellowship, talked about various issues in Christendom today, our journey as His followers, Scripture related things, etc. and at the end prayed together (praise the Lord!) As we were talking, one of the things that came up was if I have brethren in the area that I really connect with. (I knew what he was talking about) And I gave him my answer. He asked why I think there is such a problem in this area (most relationships among brethren in the church being so shallo
- · Dan Beaty
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- · House Church
About 30 years ago now, my wife and I began to sense a need to change in our Christian fellowship, but I resisted it. I was a part of this fellowship when I was a teenager and returned to it at around 21. I had seen people church shop from place to place. I had been through a divorce and saw many other relationships break up. I did not want to be like them.After serving as an elder for about 15 years I began to worry about the influence of New Age teachings. Some were beginning to think they were equal with Christ! When I attempted to address this I was looked down upon as one of the unenlightened ones. Don't get me wrong, these for the most part were wonderful and loving people. We still lo
- · Dan Beaty
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- · House Church
Today I thought I might introduce myself. I have been a part of this site since it began, but have not been active at times. Maybe I can begin to get more involved soon.About 30 years ago now, my wife and I began to sense a need to change in our Christian fellowship, but I resisted it. I was a part of this fellowship when I was a teenager and returned to it at around 21. I had seen people church shop from place to place. I had been through a divorce and saw many other relationships break up. I did not want to be like them.After serving as an elder for about 15 years I began to worry about the influence of New Age teachings. Some were beginning to think they were equal with Christ! When I att
- · Todd Buiten
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- · Christian Life
As some of you may know, I am a seventh day Sabbatarian, having found no evidence in Scripture that God changed His day of rest from the seventh day to the first as is common practice in churches today. As you read my comments, please keep this in mind...I've been thinking a lot about Exodus 20:8 where God says, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy". So exactly what does it mean in this context to keep the Sabbath holy? Many Christians, if asked this question, would probably say that it means going to church and worshipping on that day. They might point to Hebrews 10:25 which talks of "not neglecting to meet together" as a proof text. I wonder, however, if this is what Scripture is rea
- · G.L.U.E. Church
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- · Jesus Christ
God loves you. He chose to send Jesus Christ to provide a way for you to have eternal life. The alternative is the second death spoken of in Revelation 21:8. “But for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and sexually immoral persons, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” The Bible clearly states the fact of a Second Death. Are you ready to face the Lord? Do you fall within any of the categories described in this verse? Jesus Christ died on the Cross of Calvary for your sin, our sin and the worlds sin. Everyone has the opportunity to overcome sin and be forgiven. The