House Church on a 3 by 5 Card

This is the one minute elevator version... 

The story begins and ends with the glory of God, past, present and future. The Creator extends his love to us through Christ for his own glory. His name is love and love is what he does. 

His love motivates us to deny ourselves and to love others. So true it is that the Scriptures can say: "Whoever is born of God loves the brethren." What could be more natural? Love always desires the company or fellowship of it's object, be it one or more persons.

And what could be more natural and instinctive than to eat with and meet with other Christians in a domestic setting? Thus house church - a simple, scriptural, time-proven, low-cost arrangement for young and old.

But remember, house church is not an end in itself but rather a means the end that Jesus will have the pre-eminence in all things in both the spiritual and physical realms.

These remarks are in the context of one true, universal church, regardless of where it meets. 

The beautiful family of God!

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. Acts 2:46

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