Thank God for Good Moms

Oh my, what a sheltered life I have lived! When I was a small child and would encounter the few Bible stories of bad women, I was completely unable to associate any woman in my own world with their strange behavior. In fact, in my Senior class in High School, I was not aware of a single broken home among my friends. My neighborhood was no different. Of course, this does not mean that they were all happy homes. And later, some divorces did occur.

I am the sixth child myself so I am thankful to have lived in a time when children were perceived as blessings. Like your Mom, mine was the best. 'Brother Mother' we called her. She was fun but very saintly in all her ways. As for ever witnessing her arguing with my Dad, it never happened. Of course they would disagree. But they kept it to themselves. Knowing that no child wants to be in the middle of an argument.

Dad saw Europe flattened in WW2. So in his mind, nothing left in this life was big enough to be upset for long. Both Mom and Dad were consistent peacemakers. Because they lived their lives before the eye of the Almighty.

Tell us about your Mom, if you would...

Thank you, Lord, for all the faithful moms who quietly do their work for You each day. Of all your blessings, they are near the top of the list.

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Comments (1)
    • One of my earliest memories as a child was waking up in the middle of the night and finding my mom on her knees praying.  This was normal for us, but later in life I realized the indelible mark that made on my heart. 

      She raise the three of us on her own, and we learned all we needed to know about faith and love from her.

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