Yeghian, You Tube Video #3: Learning to read the Greek Alphabet with some words from the Koine Greek New Testament - YouTube.

To Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Yes, BEING the body is what Christ wants, and I am fully confident that Jesus didn't suffer the cross and the brutality of the Roman soldiers so that the faithful could spend their lives practicing "Pew-Yoga."

I made my friends something:

Over the course of many years my friends have told me that they "wished" that they could access Greek dictionaries, grammars, and lexicons so that they could see these things for themselves and for their small, Home Fellowships. Moreover, cults get planted because English doesn't always make things clear. There are 20, 000 denominations in North America.  

Seminaries are the perfect model of boring, so I made this for all my friends. Then they can look these things up for themselves once the Biblical Greek alphabet becomes as easy as the Roman one.

If it serves, here, for my friends"

Yeghian, You Tube Video #3: Learning to read the Greek Alphabet with some words from the Koine Greek New Testament - YouTube.
(I made it as fun as the Spirit would let me!)

In His name,

Your friend and Brother in Christ,

Timothy in NorCal

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